Schedule a FREE home water test with a Culligan Water expert today!

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Schedule Your Complimentary Follow-Up Appointment

Welcome again to Mast Family Culligan! We hope that you are already enjoying all of the benefits of Culligan water thus far. As part of the purchase of your new water treatment system, we offer an absolutely free re-test of your water and system orientation. We want to ensure that you are up to speed with all of your system’s features, and that you are confident it is treating your home’s water as promised. At this appointment a water treatment specialist will – 

  • Re-test your home’s water 
  • Walk through all the features of your new system 
  • Answer any questions that you may have 

To schedule an appointment that works for your schedule, simply fill out the form below and we’ll contact you to confirm an appointment time. 

Follow-Up Request

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Please fill out the form below and a Culligan representative will contact you shortly to talk about your service request.
Preferred Method of Contact*
Preferred Language