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Nitrates In Your Tampa Water

Nitrates are an essential source of nitrogen for plants. Synthetically, nitrogen is present in fertilizers that are used to enrich soil, and may be carried by rain, irrigation, flooding and other surface waters through ground water.

Farmers that spread inorganic fertilizer and animal manure on cropland can cause nitrates to accumulate in the groundwater. This compound can also be released with smoke during fires, or industrial/automotive exhaust.

Likewise, nitrates are formed naturally when nitrogen comes into contact with oxygen. This can happen with plants and human/animal waste.

Nitrates are not filtered out or dissolved as they travel through the ground, therefore, wells must be protected from leaching and surface water runoff. Shallow wells that are poorly constructed or located are more likely to be contaminated.

The Risks of Nitrates

The EPA has set a maximum contaminant level of nitrates at 10 mg/L. Anything more than this can lead to a number of health problems, particularly in infants under six months of age, which can develop “blue baby syndrome” a potentially fatal blood disease. Others with a hereditary deficiency of carrying oxygen through their blood stream or reduced gastric acidity could experience health issues. Likewise, if you are a pet fish enthusiast, elevated levels of nitrates can pollute the aquarium ecosystem and kill your fish.

If your well is not constructed properly or in the wrong area, it’s likely nitrates are not the only contaminant leaching in your drinking water.

The two options that Culligan® provides are point-of-entry and point-of-use solutions. A reverse osmosis filter under your sink can reduce up to 99% of contaminants. A Culligan Nitrate Reduction Conditioner can help homes with high nitrate levels.

Though Culligan can help find a solution to your nitrate issues, it’s important to find the source ofcontamination. Places you should check include:

  • Your septic system and its ability to handle the wastewater
  • Your well and its construction, casing and cover; and its depth
  • If natural runoff contraptions, such as diversion ditches, are present


Suggested Products

Culligan AC 30 Reverse Osmosis Filter

AC-30® Drinking Water System – 4 Stage Filtration

  • Reduces Chromium-6.
  • Saves money compared to using single-serve bottles from the store.
  • Go green by eliminating wasteful plastic bottles.
  • Improve the taste of coffee, tea, powdered drinks, soups, recipes and baby formula.
  • Free up valuable refrigerator space by eliminating pitchers and bottled water
  • Meets strict standards of NSF International and WQA.
  • Third-party certified to perform as promised and are backed by one of the most comprehensive warranties in the industry.
  • The Culligan® AC-30 Good Water Machine® is maintenance-free. Your local Culligan Man handles everything, and it comes with an elegant designer faucet in a variety of styles to match any kitchen.
HE Smart Whole House Water Filter

Aquasential™ Smart High Efficiency Whole House Water Filters

Reduce sediments in your water and contaminants that cause your water to appear, taste, and smell unpleasant. Your system can also lessen the taste and odor of chlorine, and prevent pipe damage and staining from low pH water. Additional customizations include:

  • Culligan® Filtr-Cleer® Water Filters – Reduces Sediment Problems
  • Culligan® Cullar® Water Filters – Reduces Taste and Odor Problems
  • Culligan® Cullneu Water Filters – Reduces Acid Problems